CCI Executive Director Bob Gilligan takes on the debate over increasing the minimum wage by talking with folks on both ends of the opinion spectrum. First, Kim Bobo, founder and executive director of Interfaith Worker Justice, talks about why we should increase the minimum wage from $8.25 here in Illinois. Then, Kim Clarke Maisch, Illinois director of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, discusses the down side of increasing the minimum wage. Next, Emily Zender, new executive director of Illinois Right to Life, discusses the recent $2 million settlement in the death of Tonya Reaves, the woman who died in 2012 from a botched abortion at a Chicago Planned Parenthood. CCI's own Zach Wichmann wraps up the show by telling listeners about legislation calling for $12.5 million for the Textbook Block Grant, which helps both public and private schools in paying for secular textbooks, instructional computer software and other learning materials.