Mar 15, 2021
Bill Woolf, a human trafficking expert who has done trainings for USCCB, talks about the link between parental notice of abortion and raising a red flag about trafficking victims. Next, Rabbi Shlomo Soroka of Aguduth-Israel discusses the importance of the Tax Credit Scholarship program to Jewish schools as the scholarship program for nonpublic schools faces a cut proposed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker. Then, Tony Cube of USCCB’s Justice for Immigrants initiative talks about the actions President Joe Biden has taken in favor of immigrants since assuming office in late January, and what’s ahead on the political horizon, including the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021. Finally, Sen. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, talks about sponsoring Senate Bill 133, the Ultrasound Opportunity Act.
May 18, 2020
Coadjutor Bishop-elect Louis "Lou" Tylka joins host Bob Gilligan to talk about his appointment last week to the Diocese of Peoria. Next, Kathy Stauber and Nancy Lou Cook discuss the Archdiocese of Chicago’s new, volunteer-driven initiative, “A Call to Prayer” phone service. Then, Glenn Van Cura, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Joliet, talks about how his agency has adapted services to clients during the statewide stay-at-home order. Finally, film producer Geoff Rogers discusses "Blind Eyes Opened, his latest project that offers a look at human trafficking from the perspective of survivor-victims.
Jun 17, 2019
Executive Director Bob Gilligan discusses the complete funding of the Tax Credit Scholarship program in the FY 2020 budget with Juan Rangel of Empower Illinois; human trafficking with Pat Winn, who heads up Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rockford; and the final version of the "Reproductive Health Act" with Ralph Rivera of Illinois Right to Life.