CCI testifies on impact of state budget impasse on Catholic Charities, its clients

Catholic Conference of Illinois Executive Director Robert Gilligan testified today before the Illinois House Human Services Appropriations Committee on the impact the state budget impasse is having on Catholic Charities agencies and the people it serves throughout the state. The state has been without a budget since July 1, 2015. Stephanie Johnson, director of government relations for Catholic Charities of Chicago, also testified, noting the social services agency was owed $18 million by the state, mostly for in-home services for senior citizens.

CCI’s Robert Gilligan testifies at violence prevention task force

Catholic Conference of Illinois Executive Director Robert Gilligan today testified before an Illinois House panel charged with finding solutions to teen violence, noting innovative methods being used by Catholic schools and parishes.House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, called for the formation of the task force in January, citing recent findings in a new report on the December 2012 shootings at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school.