Jun 4, 2019
In the final days of the 2019 legislative session, Illinois lawmakers approved legislation making abortion a fundamental right, legalizing marijuana for recreational use, switching the state's income tax from a flat rate to a graduated rate and to be put before voters in November 2020, expanding gambling with up to six new casinos that include a site in Chicago, legalizing sports betting, doubling the gas tax, hiking annual license plate fees by 50 percent, and increasing cigarette taxes by a dollar a pack. Earlier in the year, legislators OK'd a measure to increase the state's minimum wage to $15 by 2025.
May 20, 2019
Executive Director Bob Gilligan discusses conscience protections afforded by new federal HHS rules with Greg Schleppenbach of the USCCB; religious freedom concerns associated with the federal Equality Act with Stanley Carlson-Thies of the Religious Freedom Alliance; and marijuana legalization with Andy Duran of the substance abuse-prevention organization LEAD.
Apr 15, 2019
Executive Director Bob Gilligan talks about extreme abortion legislation passed in New York State with Kathleen Gallagher of the New York State Catholic Conference; physician-assisted suicide with Jennifer Briemann of the Maryland Catholic Conference; how marijuana legalization is progressing with Chicago Tribune reporter Robert McCoppin; and the federal First Step Act with Michael O'Rourke of the USCCB.
Feb 4, 2019
Illinois’ six Catholic bishops today issued a statement urging state lawmakers to vote “no” on upcoming legislation to legalize marijuana for recreational use.
Jan 21, 2019
Host and Executive Director Bob Gilligan welcomes Alex Berenson, author of “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence;" Anthony Holder of Empower Illinois on Year 2 of the Tax Credit Scholarship program; Kevin Appleby of the Center for Migration Studies on the status of immigrants and refugees at the Mexican border; and recently retired state Rep. Jeanne ives on her tenure in the Illinois Legislature.