Mar 15, 2021
Our Illinois bishops today issued a letter to Catholics across the state, urging them to contact their state lawmakers and tell them to reject a current effort to repeal Illinois' parental notice of abortion law.
Feb 16, 2021
It's back.
An attempt to repeal the state's parental notice of abortion law will be made during the spring session of the Illinois Legislature. State Rep. Ana Moeller, D-Elgin, today filed House Bill 1797, which calls for lawmakers to dismantle current law requiring an adult family member to be notified when a minor girl seeks an abortion. Similar legislation was filed during the spring 2019 legislative session, when that bill passed a Senate committee but was not called for a vote on the Senate floor.
Feb 15, 2019
Abortion legislation has cropped up in the Illinois Legislature, as four bills were filed this week. House Bill 2467 and Senate Bill 1594 are identical pieces of legislation that would repeal the current parental notification of abortion law. Meanwhile, House Bill 2495 and Senate Bill 1942 -- also identical to one another -- are both dubbed the Reproductive Health Act and make several changes to current abortion law, including defining abortion as a fundamental right.